Our ego is an empty container that is filled with a false identity as we begin our life journey and into adulthood. It desperately seeks love and acceptance from others and therefore seeks to please.
It will do and say anything to gain acceptance of others and to find purpose and meaning to its life. It will do anything to remain free, but never let its control to be diminished.
Our ego and mind can only imagine what truth and love are. To them they are ideas to be embraced in the hope that some feeling can be extracted from them, but it cannot.
Our ego, like our mind is not real. They are constructs that serve a purpose, but they lack a quality necessary to fulfill us. They lack the ability to consciously feel. They lack the awareness to go beyond their purpose and experience life in all of its conscious feeling majesty.
To feel is the key to transcending our ego and surrendering the false ego that we identify with. It is allowing ourselves to experience all that we were meant to become.